Trumps Time to go

I’m sad for our country. When President Obama was elected I felt for the first time in my lifetime we were on the right track for people of all colors and religions to be who they wanted to be. It would be a better world for our children and our grandchildren. Then the electoral college not the American people gave the title of president to Trump. In four years this man has preached hate! He doesn’t care for anyone except himself.

I will not keep my mouth closed anymore. I feel Trump is a danger to America and the world. He has undone so many laws meant to to help keep our water and air clean and laws to protect our rights. I’ve written many times to our leaders, Republicans and Democrats. I’ve voted Republican many times in my life but at my age of 73 years I feel they no longer are working for average Americans. They had a chance to remove Trump and they refused to see the truth.

Trump needs to go now! People have a right to protest and pushing them and riding horses into the crowd for Trump to hold a Bible and get a photo of himself is a disgrace.
