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The Republican Communist

The real communist

The Trump era, hopefully soon to be in the rearview mirror, will always be a mystery to me but one of the other continuing mysteries is why there are constantly letters to the Editor from conservatives who harangue about liberals and equate them to communists in their minds. I have to assume that they are avid Trump fans and somehow they haven’t noticed that Donald Trump has groveled and pandered to Vladimir Putin for the duration of his misbegotten presidency. Have they skipped the part where Putin really is a communist and an authoritarian leader? As I say, the dual realities out there are dumbfounding.

Anne Wilson

Trumps Time to go

I’m sad for our country. When President Obama was elected I felt for the first time in my lifetime we were on the right track for people of all colors and religions to be who they wanted to be. It would be a better world for our children and our grandchildren. Then the electoral college not the American people gave the title of president to Trump. In four years this man has preached hate! He doesn’t care for anyone except himself.

I will not keep my mouth closed anymore. I feel Trump is a danger to America and the world. He has undone so many laws meant to to help keep our water and air clean and laws to protect our rights. I’ve written many times to our leaders, Republicans and Democrats. I’ve voted Republican many times in my life but at my age of 73 years I feel they no longer are working for average Americans. They had a chance to remove Trump and they refused to see the truth.

Trump needs to go now! People have a right to protest and pushing them and riding horses into the crowd for Trump to hold a Bible and get a photo of himself is a disgrace.


Trump Enemy Of The People

Trump enemy of the free press….

Trump enemy of our U.S.intelligence…

Trump enemy of our allies…

Trump enemy of the immigrants…

Trump enemy of the law…

Trump enemy of the truth…

Trump enemy of climate change…

Trump enemy of women’s rights…

Trump enemy of facts against Saudi Arabia…

Trump enemy of anything Obama did…


Trump is going to get CNN a Pulitzer

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His winning ways

Who says Donald Trump never does anything for anyone save himself?

He’s gonna get CNN a Pulitzer and a Nobel in the same year!

OK. No more Trump jokes or Trump ridicule. Actually, he has done America a solid by showing us how fragile democracy is.

This is an appeal to sensible voters who thought he would be effective. They have witnessed this dangerous helter-skelter administration.

Time to prove Father Abraham right, “You can’t fool all of the people, all of the time.”

Do the right thing in the mid-terms!

By: Sal Rapisarda

Dictators Come To Power By Whittling Away At The Press


Dangerous shift

Perhaps the most critical element of democracy is the free press. Dictators around the world ensure acceptance of their power grabs by whittling away at the ability of the press to hold them accountable.

When the press is controlled by a political leader, anything he says or does is explained how he wishes it to be believed. He can do no wrong, at least in the only explanation permitted to be offered to the people. Missteps and misdeeds, without consequence, accelerate as he becomes increasingly wrapped up in his quest for power. It is sometimes a slippery slope, as is happening in the U.S.

We have a leader who so constantly lies to the American people that one wonders to what degree he actually believes what he says. He appears to believe that if you tell a lie often enough, it will come to be believed. At his oft-repeated cry that the press is the enemy of the people, the crowd loudly agrees, some shaking their fists and shouting expletives at the attending press.

The press reports on our leader’s lies and are promptly labeled “fake news,” and Trump supporters cheer? Do they really think it works best for our democracy to hear only Trump’s version of events? Don’t they understand that this brings us ever closer to losing our most important safeguard of freedom?

We are currently on a slippery slope to autocracy. How much closer we get depends on whether we are able to awaken to what is happening.

By: Noel J. Munson

Making Every Vote Count For President

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Fractions of votes

A recent contributor defended the Electoral College on the basis that, if not for this Colonial-era device, the larger, heavily populated coastal states would dominate the more rural states in national elections. It’s evident that, at least at the macro level, the Electoral College ensures that a vote in sparsely populated West Virginia is worth more than a vote in densely populated California. Otherwise the popular vote would prevail and Hillary Clinton would be the president-elect.

I expect that in the writer’s view, and that of other conservatives, if we relied solely on that pesky popular vote, as does every other democracy on earth, we’d keep electing Democratic presidents. Thus, the Electoral College is a handy weapon to use against liberal-leaning voters that are heavily concentrated in the larger, more cosmopolitan and culturally diverse areas. You know, lots of minorities.

So, the critical question remains: Does the Electoral College, once designed to protect the political power of the wealthy, negate the promise of “one person, one vote”? And most egregious, does it inadvertently ensure that white voters count slightly more than non-whites? Is this why conservatives defend it so fervently?

It’s time to open the debate about how our “democracy” really works.

By – Mike Cocchiola