Communist Hammer sickle-png

The Republican Communist

The real communist

The Trump era, hopefully soon to be in the rearview mirror, will always be a mystery to me but one of the other continuing mysteries is why there are constantly letters to the Editor from conservatives who harangue about liberals and equate them to communists in their minds. I have to assume that they are avid Trump fans and somehow they haven’t noticed that Donald Trump has groveled and pandered to Vladimir Putin for the duration of his misbegotten presidency. Have they skipped the part where Putin really is a communist and an authoritarian leader? As I say, the dual realities out there are dumbfounding.

Anne Wilson

trump hat not my responsibility

Trump Screws Up Everything

It seems the Trump administration screws up everything they do. Why is that? Could it be Trump is a bad boss?

Think about this and then you decide. Trump never had a real job or worked for anyone else other then his dad. He’s been given everything he’s ever wanted a spoiled rich kid. Over the years he has learned the art of manipulation.

He talks like a simpleton and that goes over well with his below average base of supporters. He shoots from the hip and because as a child he always got his way he believes he is always right. That’s the main reason his ego gets in the way of listening to experts on every subject.

He could have done a way better job at the boarder with Mexico from the start. What Trump did was sure to piss Mexico off right away by telling the world I’m the United States and I’m superior over you. Mexico you will pay for my wall!

Then because Trump didn’t get his way and he cut funds on programs that kept many immigrants before from coming to America. They started arriving at our southern boarder in large groups. Then the Trump administration starts locking immigrants up like cattle and even taking kids away from their parents to force people to leave! Ask yourself what kind of person takes kids, babies  away from their parents? One name comes to my mind, (Hitler).

This administration has done one stupid thing after another and blames everyone else for it’s bad results, that show up daily in the media. The media reports it and Trump say’s it’s fake news and the media is picking on him.

Look at how Trump has handled the Corona Virus? He didn’t! Other president in our history took charge when a crisis was about to hit. They got prepared and tried to be ready. Trump not so much. He was warned a virus was on the way many times in January.

What did Trump do. He banned some flights from China the day after New Zealand did and now say’s he did it first! This is all he did because he would not listen to people around him  who were experts warning him this virus was bad. Trump was even warned by the Obama staff before Trump was sworn into office. Trump told the American people it’s not going to be that bad. It’s like the flu. 15 cases maybe here today and gone tomorrow. Did he get this idea from his friends at Fox News that were pretty much saying the same stuff?

Today the death toll in America is just about 80,000. Why? Because our president is not a leader. He keeps saying it’s not my responsibility. Ever president that came before Trump took responsibility in a crisis except Trump!

Trump has handled the United States as president worst then any other president in history!